Chat with Stardrop Developer Joure Visser

Chat with Stardrop Developer Joure Visser

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Dev Chat notes:

Stardrop Game
June 1st, Steam, Early Access
Joure Visser, (yow-da) Developer, Publisher

What do you do?

History of video games?

How did you get into making video games?

What did you do before Stardrop?

Where/How did Stardrop begin?

How has your experience been up to this point?

Other video game work?

Reviews and comments/criticism on the game?

What do you think is important about making video games?

How did you pick voice actors? Game engine?

What do you get when you buy Stardrop? Missions?

Plans for future content? Expansions?

Plans for a new game?

Star Drop Game

Get Stardrop Demo on Steam

Stardrop Thunderclap

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